Pinoy gay movies collection

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Maxi is a 12-year-old gay who fell in love with the new cop Victor (J.R. Behind the comedic scenes, there is the underlying theme of how the love between son-father transcends his identity as a homosexual.Ī masterpiece of Auraeus Solito, the film showcased the Maximo’s (Nathan Lopez) coming-of-age in a whirlwind of romance caught in the middle of a society and family feud. The movie tackles the stigma of raising a boy as a homosexual parent, a dysfunctional family. Until one day, the kid’s biological mother returns. Overwhelmed but left with no choice, Coring looked after the child and acted as a father and mother. All of a sudden, Dennis went overseas and left the child to his care. His ex-boyfriend Dennis (Philip Salvador) left him for another woman, whom he impregnated. Released in 1978 where the protagonist (Coring) is a gay beautician, played by Dolphy, the king of comedy. In search for heartwarming Filipino gay movies? Here are the Top 8 Gay Movies in the Philippines to watch if you love gay movies.

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Below are the best LGBTQ films that love by many Filipinos. Each year brings more varied and inspiring gay films in local and international. This is a collection of gay movies that touches the heart and soul of the viewers.įrom the start, gay movies have been a steady plot in the Philippine cinema. In honor of LGBT community, we listed some of the best Pinoy Gay Movies in the Philippines.

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